Started in 2019, The Black Choreographers Incubator offers a free workshop series with tools, mentorship, a performance platform, safe space, and mutual support for BIPOC choreographers to realize their visions and dream radically in the creation of bold, new work.
Mojuba! and our team of mentors will host a monthly virtual workshop series to support BIPOC choreographers within sessions that will offer communal space, tools, and a platform to produce powerful work

Participants will gain an array of tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to continue to create and imagine poignant works for stage and film. Working alongside esteemed mentors and scholars in the field, each member of the cohort will walk away with a solid understanding of their work as an artist and that which they are achieving through their work.
The cohort will develop healthy inquiry about themselves and the world around them, clear concise approaches to their work and choreographic practice, and definitive strategies and practices to allow for dance making in the most expansive and effective way possible.
Participants will receive marketing exposure on Mojuba! Dance Collective website, social media platforms, and networks as well as free entry The Mojuba! Festival of Black Dance and Culture and an artist stipend.

Meet The Team
This program is designed for BIPOC Choreographers of any age who have taken the time to investigate and research to develop clear artistic intention and inquiry.
The Black Choreographers Incubator is ideal for those seeking an accelerated and intimate, immersive experience to challenge and expand approaches to dance making.
Those looking for a flexible professional development opportunity will appreciate the virtual format and convenient schedule.
Preference may be given to those with interest in line with the mission and core values of Mojuba! Dance Collective.
We are excited to receive your application to The Black Choreographers Incubator.
Applications for the 2024 cohort are open now and will close April 30th
Please prepare a 5-7min video submission of choreographic work that speaks to and is an example of your artistic perspective and the work you intend to create as apart of this cohort.
The selected group will then begin the incubator virtually in June
Questions? Email Errin Weaver at

It's an incredible dilemma to be an artist of color and to be always in denial of about that, saying, ' I'm a choreographer first, and then I'm black,' when in fact, that's not the case. I'm black first and then I am also a choreographer.